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Our Services

What do we do here?

Aerial Spraying

We offer complete aerial spray service on all crops. Whether it's fungicides, insecticides, or herbicides for dessication. With the largest spray plane on the market, we can get jobs done quickly. 

We are also farmers and understand the need for timely applications.

Rivers air
Micronair Rotary Atomizers

The best spray pattern technology

Conventional nozzles have less control over the droplet size, some come out bigger, while some become fines and can drift. Big droplets hold a lot of product, which represents a big loss of volume as they tend to roll off the plant onto the ground. Atomizers use three blades to propel the chemical through a screen, which evenly breaks up the spray into a uniform droplet size, and can reach deeper into the plant canopy.  If you break those bigger drops into smaller droplets, you put more useful product on the crop. The research shows that atomizers also reduce the fines, therefore reducing drift and evaporation.

Rivers Air spray pattern


Better Coverage

Uniform droplet sizes that get down into the canopy and stay on the plant.


Less Drift

More control over droplet sizes, produces less fines which can evoporate or drift.


Extensive testing & callibrating

Every year our planes are callibrated. Micronair does extensive testing next to conventional nozzles.

Latest In GPS Technology

Guidance & Flow Control

The Satloc G4 is the latest aerial GPS software.

It provides precise swath guidance for the pilot and accurate flow control at all speeds to ensure quality application for every customer.

rivers air gps satloc
Aerial spraying canola
Additional Services

Forestry & Fire Fighting

Our AT-802F is fully capable of spraying forestry contracts & fighting fires.

Support rigs available as well.

When conditions are too wet to get tractors on the field or you want to plant cover crops while you're first crop is still growing.

Aerial Seeding

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